
What to write before my signature when i'm signing for another person who's not available?

by  |  earlier

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I see some people put ff then sign their name... sometimes for the boss when he's on vacation or a colleague who's absent but it is his name which is written above "SIGNATURE"... does anybody get me?? :)




  1. sign for by me!

  2. You print the person's name that you're signing for and underneath, print, "per" and then sign your name.

    That clearly identifies you as their agent for purposes of signing for whatever you're signing for.

  3. I would sign as follows: "John Jones, attorney-in-fact for Susie Smith under Power of Attorney dated June 31, 2008."

  4. Be careful on what documentation is being signed.  When signing put p.p before your name, then sign the person's name you are signing for. p.p. - This stands for the Latin «per pro» or «per procurationem». p.p. is used when someone signs a letter by authority or proxy because another person is not available. pp goes in front of the name of the person on for whom you are signing. For example if you are Jonathan Sparks and are signing for your MD:

    Sign: Johnathan Sparks

    pp MANAGING DIRECTOR Timothy Indecall or you can put "on behalf of:

  5. If someone is giving you the authority to sign for documents, such as a power of attorney. Sign your name where there signature would normally go, even if there name is typed below. That's the proper and legal way.

  6. Yes, Use your bosses normal signature block...You sign your name...But just before your signature add "for" small caps...This means you are signing for the person in the signature block

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