
What to write in an email? best answer gets points ;)?

by  |  earlier

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I met someone cool in a chatroom and they give me their email addy if I wanted to keep in touch. I want to, and Im having some trouble figuring out what exactly to write in the email. Can anyone give me some ideas on specific things to say...

And I want it to be short and simple... so what should my opening line be? And how should I end the email, with "take care" or "have a good week"?





  1. ive always liked the ending of: later     so short and sweet.  try askin his/her advice for somethin



  2. just go with wasup. Simplest thing, and they always go first in talking. So you don't really have to try to start the conversation. And I dont really think theres a proper ending for wasup. Unless your friend has forgotten you. If he/she did, u should write, " wasup, it's me, (your name)."

  3. Just be like...

    "Hey, remember me? =) "

  4. Aaah, u want it short & sweet! Thats how I like mine too!~ :D

    OK, start out like "Hey, its me!" or something like that. Then talk about ur day or a movie u saw or want to see & ask how there day went & what movie they want to see. At the end just put "See ya" or "till next time" then put ur name.

    Good luck, hope I helped!~ =3

  5. "Hi so-and-so, this is so-and-so, we chatted on <date>. How are things going your way? I've been blah blah blah'ing <whatever it is you do>. Well I hope to chat with you again soon, I enjoyed the conversation!"

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