
What to write in the about me section in friendster?

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i don't know where should i start describing myself. can you give me some ideas?




  1. start with simple stuff...gender, age (if you want it public), and then on to personality and what you like and dislike

    maybe you hate bugs and love food, how much time you spend on electronics, if you're social or not.  Simple stuff ;p  

  2. To describe oneself is to stare into the starry sky and envision but space. Blank tapestries filled with the essence of making anything possible, while dashing in some doubt. One can use many a descriptive words to sound worthy, honorable, wicked and even descriptive imagery of appearance, but to truly define an object is a literary conundrum. As human beings, we encompass a magnitude of wholesome and artificial flavors that define our existence, giving each individual a forthcoming of worth. Even those we criticize as monsters hold a place in this societal planet we call home.

    To many this passage focuses on qualities, such as replying to an interviewer when questioned on this merit. Words implore defining our most prestigious qualities, of which become quite mundane when constantly repeated and sometimes are lost in a shuffle of similar quotes. An enormous votive that all humanity holds dear is the unique diversity of which we all hold and yet the similar qualities that unite our very soul.

    Envisioning a complete picture of a single person encompasses a dash of every descriptive phrase, forming a unique individual based upon the amount of each flavor. I, myself, find it very hard to fit into any given mold, as I assume most people do. We conclude these molds based upon societal interfaces ranging from rich to poor, shy to outgoing, liberal to republican and a list full of superficial qualities. To truly use imagery to describe oneself is to list attributes as well as faults and conform them into a new mold, depicting the unique qualities of ourselves as individuals.


    To finish off this play on pun I have included my self description, of which I'm sure many will fall victim.

    Late bloomer, band geek, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, writer, middle of the road, fighter, lover, a woman, a child, a pupil, trustworthy, ridiculed, liar, honest, an animal lover, a princess, a clown, naive, intelligent, pretty, ugly, too skinny, just right, adoring, apologetic, sensitive, nerd, gamer, s**y, caring, fanatic, perfectionist, live wire, procrastinator, planner, secretive, afraid, tired, full of life, diplomatic, authoritative, and last but not least, perfect to myself.

    Again, envisioning oneself is one of the hardest accomplishments to achieve, as accepting the bad with the good is trivial for some. For myself, however, I relish in the fact that I encompass all and still consider myself a fortunate soul, if nothing more than perfect to myself.

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