
What to you need to qualify for a ssi check for children?

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my twin 3yr old and their 2 yr old brother all have slow learning disability's. they are going threw a state program for speech therapy and the twins are getting put into preschool to help them with their social skills. people have said kids can get ssi for little things like adhd so how do i know if their disability's are enough for them to qualify. i have to stay home with them and do therapy all day for their learning skills plus take them to lots of places for their therapy and schooling, plus other things involving their issues, so i am unable to work at least for a little while till they start improving and they are saying this can be as long as years until i can get a full time job and not have to work with them. i don't want to take "free" money to just pay for everything, my husband is working 60+hrs a wk to support our 6 kids, i just want to know if there are ways to get help with money since i can't work and welfare says we make too much money to qualify(even though we don't) any ideas on getting ssi or what guidelines they must meet to receive. any suggestions would be great thanks




  1. ---many of my parents work--the trick is to find a good child care provider that follow through on the therapy...and one family did have 3 children about the same age as yours--on the autism spectrum

    I would not want some stranger taking my child to therapy! We live inOhio and our MRDD caseworker has told me she has kids on her case load getting SSI for ADD/ADHD,I know of an adult getting it because she was in learning disabled classes as a kid but yet is capable of caring for 2 kids. I would try and submit all medical reports,but they too go according to parental income,Robin

  2. Most people cannot get SSI for little things liek ADHD--that would be fraud--only a small number of people with 'little things' legitimately qualify.

    there needs to be marked impairment--that mean difficulty with their everyday lives like self care..

    there needs to be significant mental/cognitive/and or physical impairment......

    there are income limits

    what do you mean by social skills--are they unable to interact appropriately with other and tehir environment--or do they jsut seem very shy/prefer to be by themselves--

    most kids with speech delays/ADHD/learnign disabilities do NOT qualifie for SSI--it is for people that have more extensive needs that impiart their significantly impair their ability to take care of themsleves at an age appropriate level.

    i am an early intervention therapist---many of my parents work--the trick is to find a good child care provider that follow through on the therapy...and one family did have 3 children about the same age as yours--on the autism spectrum

  3. Call or visit the local Social Security Administration (SSA) office. They might qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

    Social Security Administration (SSA)

    Contact the nearest Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) also. They will be able to give you helpful information and point you to various sources that you will be able to use.

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