
What tonics/chemicals should all advance freshwater hobbyists own?

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What tonics/chemicals should all advance freshwater hobbyists own?




  1. The fewer chemicals you can get away with using the better.  I pretty much only use a dechlorinator.  Becuase I have African cichlids, I use a buffer to make the water an 8.2 PH and add Rift Lake Salt to make the water harder, but for most tanks nothing but the dechlorinator is necessary..  Other than that I sometimes add freshwater salt for electrolytes but not too often.

    Oh and a trick of the of the best things to use to clean/disinfect anything related to your aquarium is a common white vinegar solution (about a 10-20%).  Kills like 80% of all molds and funguses and 99% of all bacteria and is completely harmless to all fish. Better than windex on glass too

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