
What took Condi so long?

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After seven and a half years as Secretary Of State, Condoleeza Rice has decided she wants to be the sponsor and leadership of elliminating worldwide violence against women.




  1. Condi has only been secretary of state since 2005.

  2. I'm amazed that you even consider Ms.Rice seriously in 2008......

    All of the Bush appointees have provided more than sufficient evidence that they are individually players in the historical farce of this folly.

    Perhaps she's just recently discovered that violence against women exists.  Or, perhaps, she just discovered that she may be a likely victim.

    She may want to be a leader in eliminating violence against women but then she wanted to be the commissioner of the NFL, too.  Let's pray that her latest career aspiration will be equally successful as her track record of "leadership"  performance doesn't pass the smell test of MY Human Resources Department!

  3. had to much resposibilitie's in her hand's being secretary of state. i guess she felt like it wasn't the right time until know.

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