
What tools do I need to point a satellite dish?

by Guest45212  |  earlier

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I am starting my own business in setting up receivers and dishes and such. What tools do I need to purchase to point a satellite dish?




  1. Shouldn't need anything more complicated than what you need to mount the hardware. Just point it south and above the horizon at a patch of open sky.

  2. 1. Inclimeter - its a tool that you use that that helps you verify "line of sight" by checking the elevation and azmith. Elevation and azmith depends on what satallite you want to point at. Make sure you have at least a 3 degree clearance on both just in case of tree growth.

    2. Your gonna need  (2)  7/16ths wrenches to loosen and tighten the bolts when you are aiming the dish.

    3. You gonna need a meter of some sort that tells you the strength of your satallite signal. You can buy a cheap one for probably 75 bucks but it wont tell you anything except signal strength, not what satallite you are getting signal strength from. The price goes up from there up to around 600 bucks which is what I have used. It tells you what satallites you are getting signal strength from, what transponders, and the signal strength for each transponder and satallite.

    4. For assembling the dish, use your 7/16 wrenches

    5. For mounting the dish, use (6) half inch lag screws about 4-5 inches long.

    6. half inch socket for your drill to mount the dish

    7. bishop tape or tar patch to put over and under the lag screws that you drill so the roof don't leak.

    8. probably a phillips s***w driver to s***w in the screws that hold the LNBF in place.

    9. Cable prep tool to strip the cable and put your fittings on

    10. A set of Crimpers to crimp your fittings so they dont fall off.

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