
What top ten states have the easiest homeschooling rules?

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I heard illinois laws arent bad what others are to bad?




  1. Go to this link and you'll see which states have the easiest requirements (some have none at all).

  2. Ohio, because here they offer Treca. It's a digital academy, online from home. You set your own hours and everything is free except the ink and paper. They supply everything, even the computers and ipods. Our 2 children do it.

  3. NJ is good, PA and NY are supposed to be more involved.

  4. Florida is reasonably laid back. THey only ask that you send a letter of intent to the school district within 30 days of pulling your child out of school simply stating the child's name, age, address, and that you're homeschooling. They have forms, but the forms ask for more information than is legally required. That's all you really have to send them.

    Also, the parents need to provide for an anual evaluation... Either the FCAT (state standardized test), some other nationally normed test (we do the NRT), an evaluation from a psychologist, an evaluation/portfolio review from a cirtified teacher, or some other testing method approved by the district.... Aside from a yearly test though you have total freedom.

  5. Texas, I would agree, would probably be the easiest.

    I live in Texas and laws are really great, easy, laid back laws.

  6. Wouldn't the ones with the easiest rules be the bottom ten states?

  7. Oklahoma - it's the only state that constitutionally protects homeschooling.  The government does not meddle with homeschoolers at all, unless negligence is reported (which is extremely rare).  Many of the public and private entities (parks, government offices, newspapers, businesses/factories) are very, very homeschool-friendly and often have specific classes and field trips for homeschoolers.

    Texas is very homeschool-friendly as well.

    and after that, check out the hslda link that so many people have already provided :-)

    (And no, loose homeschool rules do not equal bad quality.  They equal families being left alone to educate their children according to those childrens' individual needs.)

  8. Wisconsin is also easy, We have a school that the kids can get a laptop & printer and all you have to pay for is the

    shipping of the shool books.

  9. I have a nice site for u where u get  information about All types of HomeSchooling & Free HomeSchooling.

  10. Texas would have to top the list, I think. They have no monitoring, no paperwork to file, parents can issue diplomas and transcripts...

    ADDED: I just had a look at the one link someone supplied. The map shows you clearly the easiest states!

  11. I live in Nebraska, and all we have to do is file a notice of intent. Nothing else is required.

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