
What topic do you think is overexposed in the media?

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excluding current news/events like the presidential race and oil prices?




  1. Manmade climate change or "global warming" as it used to be called fifteen minutes ago.

    It is blamed for soooo much. And it is based on speculation which is based on models which are extremely complex and have so many variables that they are constantly being debated and updated.

    I'm not saying that it is happening, I'm not saying it isn't happening.

    It's just such an esoteric topic for general consumption. Most of the journos who cover it couldn't possibly understand all of the ramifications either, and the debate can hardly be over as Al Gore would like us to think.

    A few decades ago it was the second Ice Age that was undoubtedly upon us and that was going to end our lives.

    Bottom line: news is what has happened and what is happening now, not what might happen in 50 to 100 years based on variables which change faster than we could possibly calculate them.

  2. anything about any celebrity

  3. Personal opinions

  4. s*x

  5. celebrities and who they are dating

  6. I don't mind if oil prices or the presidential race get too much coverage. These are important issues that affect all of our lives and we should get all the news we can so we can be better informed about them. On the other hand, Brad & Angelina are totally unimportant news items and I'm really sick of hearing about them.

  7. Celebrities.  It isn't news, and nobody should care about "Britney's failed marriage" or any other garbage.

  8. The most overexposed is "liberalism".

    By that I mean the whole concept that we are all victims of someone or something - i.e. the big oil companies, global warming, discrimination, pharmaceutical companies or other businesses, etc.

    Along with the corollary that the solution to all of this is more government, more regulation and more taxes.  

    When will we grow up and realize that we need to take responsibility for ourselves.

  9. The hollywood bimbos.

  10. anything with celebrities..

    seriously im so over them, who cares that they are getting married or they bought a new pair of socks..

    whoop de about a story on a doctor who is underfunded and is trying to cure cancer..thats far more interesting

  11. I am so tired of hearing about every little thing a celebrity does.  People must care, though, because the media does what makes them money.  It bores me to death.

  12. brad pitt and angelina jolie

  13. Dog bites man is interesting.  Man bites dog is news.

    If you listen to your TV, you'll learn all about a bus accident or an aircraft crash.  Unfortunately, that bus accident or aircraft crash might have happened 1,000 miles away, or even in another country.  Just because the media can show us pictures of the accident, doesn't mean that it has any meaning or impact on my life, except to keep my attention glued to the TV set so that I will watch the next commercial.

    Reporters, just like most of us, are looking for their 15 minutes of fame, so they will rush to expose faults (or negatives) in others.  They want recognition from their peers (as do most of us) and have learned that the public prefers news that makes them say, "Wow!" even if it is not true.

    Overexposure = anything negative.

  14. Celebrities, and especially Brittney Spears.  I have never seen such a nobody get such headlines.  I think it's appaling.  She does nothing for the community.  All she does is set bad examples. Go Justin Timberlake!!

    Now that's a celebrity that deserves publicity!!

  15. Obama, but then again he is the Media's Darling...  And the Liberals control most of the media so what else is new.

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