
What topics, creatures or plots in general are overused in fantasy novels?

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I'm trying to write a story and i just want to know what is overused in the fantasy genre. By fantasy i mean books such as Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Star Wars (even though that is sci fi), Dune, etc.




  1. I would stay away from dragons, vampires, and elves. anything world-of-warcrafty  

  2. *squeal* You mentioned Dune! Yay!

    Anyways, overused things: corrupt kingdoms, dragons, magic, wizards, rebellious princesses, evil kings, that one thief who's got a heart of gold, evil overlords, black and white morality, swords, travelogues, nothing goes on for pages, infodumping mentors, quests to SAVE THE WOOORLD, items to save the world, the one dude who's always a mouthpiece for the author's philosophy, mary sues/gary stus, the angsty pasts, the orphaned hero, random creature/person/race/place number x, prophecies, the chosen one, etc.

    (more science fictiony here on) hyperspace, technobabble, your typical spaceship crew, using the navy ranks in space (captain! admiral so-and-so has phoned...), clones... is cool, too, you know?

  3. dragons and wands. also orcs, dwarves and elves.

  4. -elves

    - orcs


    -tree like thingys

    -'halflings' which are really hobbits

    - swords with names

    - funky languages

    - quests

    - evil overlord (can come from star wars too)

    - evil dude is really related to you in some way

    - old dudes who mentor you, then die

    - farm boy becomes king

    - farm boy marries beautiful princess

    - medieval landscape (fantasy)

    try these links for more



    good luck!


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