
What tour group should I go with for a trip to Italy next year for 10 days?

by Guest34501  |  earlier

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what specific areas of Italy should I visit and do you reccomend a guided tour or on your own?




  1. I've traveled over much of the world by myself, and I venture to say I've seen more of the lives and  customs of the country I've visited than I ever would have as a member of a tour group. A lot depends upon the guide or guides, the company or organization sponsoring the trip, the size of the group, and the people who make up the group. Traveling alone you will meet many interesting people,(for me, the best part of any trip, and the part filled with wonderful memories), you'll be able to go where you want when you want and stay as long as you want. You can skip things you're not interested in, and don't have to put up with obnoxious room mates or the sometimes embarrasssing words or actions of your fellow travelers. The single biggest drawback, of course, is that you'll be on your own. That may be a bit intimidating, but I'm sure you'll find,as I did, many good people to help you. Consider what you would do if a stranger who spoke little English, stopped you and asked for help. If you're like 99% of the good and common people in the world, you would try really hard to help them. You might even feel some sympathy for a stranger in a strange land trying to cope with the new and the different things he or she saw. You will find that people are much the same the world over. It's one of the inspirational experiences I've learned from my travels. Of course, it goes without saying, that you must be aware of your surrondings, and be cautious in large cities. There are far more shady characters waiting to take advantage of foriegners, but most of my travels took place on a bicycle, and I avoided lage cities. There's a joke among travelers who decry tours:"You see 16 countries in 17 days, but you fly real low over 6 other ones. Good luck!

  2. i can tell you that you should go on your own. i am from italy, and here we have many tourists and tour groups and when i see the faces of them, they all look very bored when the guide is talking.

    guides usually spend WAY TOO much time focusing on one little thing (such as describing in 2 hour long detail about a painting). the point is that tour guides and groups slow you down! when you go on your own, you can go at your own pace, because you know your pace and your interests the best. maybe buying a book about italy could serve as a mini guide for you. so definately, DO NOT USE A TOUR GROUP!

    as for places you should visit, definitely spend at least 2 days in rome. rome is the capital and offers tourists some of the oldest and mot historic monuments to see.

    if you like relaxing, spend a day at lake como, or a couple of days in venice.

    florence is also very beautiful and will offer tourists gorgeous

    as you only have 10 days to spend, you won't be able to see everything, so i mostly suggest you take it slow, and don't squezze in everything on your trip. you will have more time tosee more thing in the future when you visit.

    good luck!


    kisses from italy!

  3. The first time I went to Italy, I did a tour that started in Rome but I got to Rome three days early. The Tour hit Rome, Florence, Lake Maggiore, Venice, Assisi, Sorrento with stops enroute at Pisa, Genoa, Milan, Verona, Ravenna, Capri, Pompei, Monte Cassino.  I think that was a good way to get a feel for the Country and hitting the major spots and you don't have to worry about driving plus you have people to hang out with/

    It was a Globus tour, and wasn't the greatest, but not that expensive. Perillo is another tour company that is probably better.

    If you do a tour, you can try the next time on your own. But if you are more of the adventurous type you can try it on your own, but be sure to get a good guidebook.

  4. We've been to Italy twice - once to Rome (and the Vatican City) which was just for a couple of days.  We had an excellent guide for the Church who gave us snippets of info we would never have noticed by ourselves.  I would definitely like to go back to Rome and spend more time there.

    Second visit was last month to Lake Garda - went by coach (Consort Travel - which took 2 days travel from the Midlands.

    First night we stopped at a basic hotel in Northern France then to Malcesine on the Lake by the next night, staying at what had been the Dom Pedro Hotel, now with new owners and new name "Hotel Majestic Palace".  Can thoroughly recommend this hotel for the catering and the friendliness of the staff.  Everything was included in the price, including as much red, white or rose wine (or beer) as you wanted to drink.

    The trip also included a day in Venice and a day in Verona.

    It was a 10 day trip with pick-up points at intervals down to Dover.

    Two coach drivers who stopped approx every 2.5 hours for comfort stops and to change over.  The non-driver then did the hostess things of getting drinks for everyone (everything cost 60p - so a bottle of beer 60p., a coffee/tea/chocolate 60p.  whisky or brandy 60p.

    Not included were optional water excursions and other tours so you could stay by the hotel pool all day or get out and about.

    One stop at another basic B & B in Burgundy on the way back.

  5. I'm Italian.

    I think you can easily travel on your own, there is no need for a guided tour.

    If I were you, in 10 days, I'd stay in the central part of Italy (Toscana region: Firenze and Siena. Umbria region: Perugia and Lazio region: Rome).

    They are not too far and you can easily move by train.

    In every city you can find people speaking english and they are well organized for guided tour in case you want to).

    Don't plan too see to much cities in 10 days, once you're there you'll see how many things you can see in just one city.

    The tour I've suggested you it's perfect both for young people who want to live the night life and for families or for a relaxing holiday.

    Ciao, and have fun!


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