
What toys do guinea pigs like?

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What toys do guinea pigs like? I've heard they like toilet paper tubes, but I don't know if that's true. I'm open to toys that are found around the house, and I also don't mind picking one up from the store. So.. ideas, please?

Another question. Hamsters need those dental sticks, right? I heard that their teeth will keep growing into their skull if they don't have them. (Eventually, they'd die). My point is: is that the same way for guinea pigs, or not?

Thanks. By the way, I will pick best answer. The most helpful person will get it.




  1. they like thinks that make noise

    my cousin gave her guinea pig a toilet paper tube and she started chomping on it lol

    YES GUINEA PIGS AND HAMSTERS ALWAYS NEED SOMETHING TO CHEW ON!!! THEYRE TEETH ARE ALWAYS GROWING AND RESULTS CAN BE FATAL!! but i dont think guinea pigs need dentals sticks, i might be wrong but you can check

    they have answers to all guinea pig questions

    back to toys,i know they like toys that make noise (like who doesnt?! lol) im not so sure though but try browsing pet store sites like petsmart or petco.

    they're like the only 2 places that have a good site

    hope i helped =]  

  2. Yes, toilet paper tubes are a great and cheap toy for guinea pigs. Old clothing is good too so they can use it to sleep in, hide in, etc. A really good toy that guinea pigs love are those wooden tunnels or "hidey houses". Make sure you get a big enough one for your guinea pig. Crumpled paper, cardboard boxes, and hard children plastic toys (big enough so that they can't be swallowed!) are also good easy to get toys. If you are going to buy toys, make sure they don't have swallowable parts that could detach. Guinea pigs DO need chewing sticks to wear down their teeth. Their main diet, timothy hay, helps wear down their teeth along with some of their toys (if you get the wooden tunnels, wooden blocks, or other wooden toys)but it's always good to have additional things. You can find chewing sticks in the pet store, but if you're guinea pig doesn't seem to chew on it much, a good alternative is cubed hay (preferably timothy). They are hard enough for your guinea pig to use to wear down their teeth and they love them :D

    Hope this helped, and good luck (;

    For additional help, check out this awesome link below. It'll probably tell you everything else you need to know :)

  3. toys

  4. If you can get some kids wooden blocks they love too bite on them and push them around.... they like to play with ping pong balls too ..and hide in paper bags like cut paper lunch bags too size they love hideing in them sister has one she lets him out alot during the day to play in her room... my dad had these tubes we use those too put wires in so he dont chew and get shocked or electracuted... he even goes back in his cage at times when hes done playen there cute pets good luck with your lil guinea pig.....

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