
What toys do make a child smarter?

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My daughter is 10 years old. I am not sure if it is just the age group or not but she has trouble with math, remembering things and paying attention!! Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.




  1. Mom and or Dad are the best games/toys. My 5 year old and I play math in the car while traveling. Think small and stay small with your questions. As an engineer and a math whiz, I can tell you from experience that, in math, children must first master the idea.

    A Good Example: Children tend to have trouble with the idea of division. But try this:

    Instead of asking a child "what is 35 divided by 5", ask them "if you have 35 oz. of water, how many 5oz glasses could they fill".

    In general, the idea is to MATER the basics. Everything else is just practice.

    Best of luck.

  2. it is not about making your child smarter it is more about helping her to concentrate

    practice makes perfect just keep her interested

    try adding omega 3 fish oils to her diet it works wonders on concentration levels

  3. here are the best educational toys for your child:

    1: crayons and paper (teachers pre-reading and writing)(art)

    2: playdough (make your own and it teaches science)

    3: scissors (teaches control)

    4: blocks/props for imaginative play

    5: picture books ( and make up your own stories)

    6: the TV and computer turned OFF

  4. Please take your time to read this because I know this will help.

    Lets divide your problem in to three categories.

    1. Lack of attention

             The main enemy of these days is TV. TV actually causes lack of attention to a large scale, because when a person watches tv then he/she has to both watch and hear. So if the watching is not attentive enough then the hearing picks it up. If you want your child to pay attention then make her read a lot of books. Try to find story books appropriate for her age. If you can get your daughter interested in reading books then automatically she'll learn to pay more attention to other stuff. Also tell her to read the classics like (tom sawyer and huckleberry fin), as these books need more attention. If she is not interested, then get the book and read it to her and stop at an interesting part and then stop reading it to her overall, her interest of knowing what'll happen next will motivate her to read.

    REMEMBER, DO NOT BAN HER FROM WATCHING TV. If you do that then she's stop doing whatever you want because you are now not letting her do what she wants. But put a limit on the TV viewing time.

    2. Math

              Try discussing money matter. For example, when you go grocery shopping take her with you and while you are there, give her a small amount of money and tell her to buy a candybar or something. Then tell her to get back the change. This will definitely increase her interest in numbers. (make sure you do not overdo the candybar trick cause that can harm her as well). Also, let her play with puzzles and teach her the basics of monopoly. Although you think she is too young to learn it, I am sure that it is the perfect age to catch these skills.

    3. Smarter ??

    I am sorry for this point but I have to tell you that as long as you ask questions like "what toys make a child smarter", you will not be able to do that. You have to appreciate the uniqueness and individuality of your daughter. Many children never played with toys and became scientists, and many children had the best toys still could not finish high school. What you should do in this case is that learn your childs creative aspects, know her interest and you'll be able to bond with her better than her friends.

    Hope this helps.

  5. well there are games on the market, similar to board games that are geared torwards improving  certain skills and memory. Go online and try to find one, or ask the teacher, they tend to have the most upto date information on these materials. Plus a tutor can help .. I have a 9 yr old brother that i help (i'm 21)out, but sometimes I just cant convey something to him. he has a tutor that he sees once a week and she works wonders..they have so many different technique to help kids out, it's worth the investment.

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