
What toys for a long car trip?

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I am going to be taking my 4 year old and my 8 month old on a car trip to Florida (1300 miles). I will have a DVD player and coloring books and those things for my 4 year old, but what about the 8 month old? Can you recommend some fun toys? I will bring the ones she plays with now with us, but I am afraid she will get bored. Also, if you have any tips for the trips please let me know. Thanks!




  1. buy her a couple of new toys with lots of sounds and lights a new toy should keep her busy for a couple hours so every time she gets fussy give her a new one she has never played with.. it should help keep her distracted.. hope this works....

  2. My 9-month-old and I go on an hour-long trip at least once a week. Luckily he still sleeps very well in the car and is usually out within 15 minutes, regardless of how recently he woke up. He's got two toys we keep in the car: a rattle that spins and has little dangly things on it and a kooshie baseball that he can chew on and squish in his chubby little hands. Those usually keep him occupied until he throws them out of his reach. Hopefully your older child will be able to resupply toys to the baby.

  3. i would buy some new toys & not give them to her until you're in the car, that way they'll be brand new & they'll keep her occupied longer. buy something that makes noises, those little phones with music playing, anything, i guess. steering wheels where you play with the cranks and stuff and she should be good to go...

  4. my advice would just be take a variety of things so that she has different things to play with if she gets bored with the other things. but i wouldn't take anything that makes noise because I'm sure that it will get aggravating for you and you dont want to have to try to take it away from her in the car as that might  upset her and make her cry.  

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