
What train or bus can travel to Hauppauge, ny or the nearest location to get there?

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It's the Metlife building on 300 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge, ny




  1. If you get the Long Island Railroad to Deer Park Station, then catch the S27 Suffolk Transit bus northbound (which leaves there at 8.17, 9.17, 10.17, 11.17, then 12.47 and 47 minutes past every hour until 7.47 p.m.) for the 23 minute ride to the corner of Motor Parkway and Washington Avenue - get off there and the Metlife building is almost directly opposite. The bus itself goes to Hauppauge and terminates.

    The second source listed is a PDF file of the S27 bus northbound and southbound schedule and route map.

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