
What training is required for staff in the hospitality industry?

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I'm in particular talking about food and hospitality.

And mainly occupational health, safety and hygiene.

Is it a requirement of establishments to give training?

(If you answer, please inform me of the location of these requirements. i.e. Where your from - USA, Australia, Canada, etc.)




  1. In the U.S., food service sanitation is governed under local law, so each city or town has slightly different requirements. However, generally, each restaurant is required to have one or more people on duty at all times who have been certified in Food Service Sanitation. Usually these sanitation classes are just a day or two, followed by a test. Usually those certified are managers or chefs.

    Managers and chefs are responsible for training hourly employees in sanitation and food safety. Usually it is an informal part of the job training. The local health department also inspects each restaurant regularly to ensure that employees are meeting the proper standards.

    Worker health & safety is enforced by OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (or a similar state agency.)  

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