
What transforms and collects solar energy that reaches the leaves of a plant?

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What transforms and collects solar energy that reaches the leaves of a plant?




  1. chlorophyll in chloroplast

  2. A green pigment called chlorophyll.

    Until recently it was believed that only chlorophyll can do photosynthesis, but the recent developments and studies on microorganisms such as bacterias revealed that photosynthesis is possible with out chlorophyll as well. Cyanobacteria is a good example. Wiki pages contains a good information on non-chlorophyll photosynthesis of bacterias.

  3. The pigment chlorophyll,, located in organelles contained within the plant cells known as chloroplasts, absorbs light energy.  This energy is then used in a complex set of processes known as the light and dark reactions, which produce carbohydrates.  A byproduct of these reactions is oxygen, lucky for us.

  4. photosynthesis

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