
What transport is there from Salzburg airport to Zell Am See?

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Flight arrives in Salzburg at 2130 hrs on Saturday 27 January 2007.

Is there a coach or train direct to Zell Am See or do you need to hire a car or go by taxi and what are the costs please.




  1. there are several ways to do it- rail , bus , bike,,bycycle,car,.the best is toi hire a cab.check out

  2. You can take a train from Salzburg HbH to Zell am See.  It will cost you circa $20 each way, or at least, that's what it cost me in 1999.  The train passes through some of the most scenic country in the land, past Castle Werfen, where the SS officers trained, past Hallein where the salt mines were into Pongau and finally past Hohenkoenig into the Zeller See area.  All trains heading that direction stop in Z.a.S., so if you're in a hurry, pick an Intercity Express train or similar.

    Just checked with the OBB for details.  You have the following options:

    The first train after your arrival leaves for Z.a.S at 1:38 AM, then there are two faster trains, ICE, leaving at 6:18 and 7:04.  The cost one way is 18.30 Euro without the VorteilsCard, which I assume you don't have.  If you take the slower train, you can sleep, and it arrives around 6:15.

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