
What traveling programs are similar to the peace corp but pays instead of a volunteer basis?

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I'm debt free, fresh out of high school, i love to travel, and id like to make some money while being in a foreign country while helping people or doing something productive. any programs similar to the peach corps that could pay unlike the peace corp?




  1. One thing that is somewhat popular (which I considered myself) is to teach English in Asian countries.  They send you overseas for a 6 or 12 month contract (start with 6) and you are paid a good American wage, but the cost of living where you go is usually extremely cheaper than it is in America, so you can bank most of your salary and still live very well there.  When you come back home in 6 months or a year, you'll have a few thousand dollars saved up to start a business or buy a car with!

    Do you need to be teacher?  NO!  The students already know basic English in most cases, so you're just enhancing it.  I know a guy who tried it for 6 months and has been doing it for years now - he met his Asian wife where he teaches!

    Good luck finding what you're looking for.

  2. If you had a college degree you could teach English as a foreign language in a number of places.

    With just a high school diploma, your options are the armed services, airline stewardess, chamber maid on a cruise ship or a similar job in the travel industry.

    The Peace Corps pays what they call a living allowance. You don't starve, but you don't get rich. My daughter is a PCV in Peru. She earns $300 a month.

    The job you describe doesn't exist. It is too good to be true. Anyone who offers you high-paying employment abroad, with just a high school diploma, is going to lure you into prostitution or take his "placement fee" and vanish.

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