
What treat would a teddy hamster like the most?

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I just got my teddy bear hamster and he is adorable, but he hasnt warmed up to me yet. I was thinking about getting a nice treat for me to feed to him by hand so he can get used to me, but i am not sure which one to get. I am buying treats from Petco so I was wondering what you would recommend. Please help!




  1. pumpkin seeds. my teddy bear hamster loved them. no salt though.

  2. sunflower seeds?cheerios?nuts?he might like a friend to.

  3. I don't recommend store bought treats.  Try apples or carrots.

  4. My hamster is asian

    He loves rice and noodles lol





    -Veggie [[Not do much!! they could get diarrhea]]

  5. well if you just got him give him two days by himself to warm up to his surroundings.

    How would you feel if you just got moved and some stanger is trying o play with you as soon as you got home?

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