
What treats do sheep like?

by Guest32893  |  earlier

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I stay at my parents when they go on holiday to look after their dogs etc. They also have 2 ewes and a ram along with chickens and ducks. When the animals see me and the dogs walking up the garden to the paddock, they all come running to the gate (watching a load of chickens running across a field towards you is the funniest thing), so i like to take them a treat. The chickens are easy as they love bread crumbs, I have been giving the sheep apples, but they now seem bored of them, what else do sheep like to eat veg wise.




  1. grass

  2. watching ewe been framed?

  3. I use to raise sheep, but gave them up for goats. (Currently have about 100 goats)

    Sheep love bread too.  Sheep ESPECIALLY love stale orange-cranberry muffins.....ask me how I know....

    A few apples are ok for the sheep, just do not give them too many.  Too many apples can overload their rumen with sugars, and shut down the digestive process, leading QUICKLY to bloat and then death.

    Carrots are fine for the sheep too.  A little bread will not hurt them either.  Just keep it to treat status, and don't overfeed them bread products, or you will have fat, vitamin deficent sheep.

    Since you have a ram, BE CAREFUL!  Rams often become quiet food agressive, and quickly learn to butt the food tree (you) so all the food suddenly falls to the ground.

    Sheep also quiet like dandelions.  Even the leaves are great to pull up a few of those weeds, and let them have a nibble.

    Stay away from the lettuce, as it is mostly water, and can lead to diahrea in them.

    Your sheep and your chickens would like sunflower seeds.  Don't worry, the seeds with the shells on are just fine for the sheep to munch down.  Buy the ones for the wildbirds, not the human salted ones.  Lots of good healthy oils and fats in the sunflower seeds.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  4. shelled corn or sweet hay

  5. Have you tried a piece of lettuce?  They might enjoy something a little different from their diet without being too different.  

    Whatever you do, don't give them bubblegum.  It gets tangled in the wool!  haha, just kidding.  Giving them some attention is the treat they really want.

  6. If your parents have you stay to care for their dogs, I surprised that they didn't arrange for you to care for the other animals as well. When they come running like they do they are obviously being fed regularly.  I don't think that they are just expecting snacks.  I would suggest that you make a trip to the local feed store and pick up a bag of scratch grain for the chickens and ducks and a bale of good alfalfa hay for the sheep.  Give the sheep a fleck or two a day and the chickens a couple of hands full of the scratch grain and every body will be happy and healthy.

  7. You have some great answers already, but I have to suggest fig newtons.  We used to have a milk cow who would roll her eyes back and slobber all over the place if she smelled fig newtons, and sheep might like them too!

    This is bad but funny, we had a friend from town come to visit and see the farm animals... and we gave him some fig newtons to keep in his pockets.....

    He didn't know why that cow loved him SOOOO much :)

    He got even with us later, just so you know :)

  8. cans and ****

  9. sorry to say, but you look like a feed bucket to them, they come running because know "you" are there to feed them.  Sheep are grazers and eat grass and or hay, that's what you should be feeding them, sometimes they are fed small amounts of a supplemental feed containing trace amounts of minerals the may not be getting other wise.

    Have fun and good luck

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