
What tricks to train my bird next?

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My bird, fiyero, is already hand trained. I want to know what to train him next. Also, his wings are clipped.




  1. Well without mention of what type of bird you have makes it a bit difficult to reply with a practical answer...However, many birds are easy to interact with & enjoy such one on one having your feathered one enjoy music with you is a nice enjoyable approach for both...many birds learn to replicate the words as well as the try interacting with your feathered one by using music. You will quickly learn whther your bird enjoys dancing or singing [whistling], I began teaching my cockatoo's to play catch at a young age...eventually my feathered one would catch the lil wiffle ball & toss it back to me from his well as play with shapes & sorting boxes...teaching feathered one to come on command is also a good beginning & serves great purpose later down the line. Teaching your bird to lift its foot is a nice easy one...whether to say HI & wave or lift it for kisses...there are oodles of ways to interact with feathered ones! ENJOY spending time with your feathered one~ Take care~

  2. to talk/sing,to pick up toys and bring bak to ur hand,shoot hoops,and play ring toss.

  3. Teach him how to sing!

    or to roll over!

  4. say pretty bird

  5. dance or bob his head up and down

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