
What truly is the biggest star that we know of?

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I have heard of stars such as Betelguese and MY Cephei, but are there any stars that are bigger that we know of?




  1. zac efron

  2. You should have clarified what you meant by "biggest". In terms of mass, I think either the Pistol Star or Eta Carinae are at the upper limit for how massive stars can be.

    In terms of sheer volume, VV Cephei is the biggest that I know of.

  3. The SUN!

  4. I'm not sure where one poster got WR136 from... we don't even know it's size and its not that massive.

    The largest known star is likely to be VY Canis Majoris. It's magnitude is too low to be visible with the naked eye, and it wouldn't even be very bright in a telescope. It's about 5000 light years away.

    Another contender for largest star is VV Cephei A.

    Both of these stars are so large that if they stood in place of the sun, they would extend beyond the orbit of Saturn.

  5. this will help ya.....

  6. The biggest star we know of in our galaxy is probably Wolf-Rayet 136.  But we know there used to be much larger stars in the universe - we're still seeing the remnants of them in gamma ray bursts.

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