
What truth is there in the piece i read that gerry and family

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friends having abnormal sexual behaviours madline(acex close friend contacted police)




  1. Apparently it was suggestd in the book written by the Portugeuse Police Chief who was fired from the case.

  2. Not verified but rumoured to be all part of a swingers club - hence leaving the kids alone and allegedly drugging them to make them sleep all night

  3. This was speculated and discussed many months ago,no evidence was found but intimations were made about it,

  4. There is no truth it is malicious gossip.

  5. The truth is you are a dirty smear campaigner and you should see a shrink

  6. OMG! I wouldn't know, but that certainly adds fuel to the fire...

  7. G F  -- I don't know about that, G F but there must be at least some truth in it..  Come on.... who would go on holidays, to another country, for only two weeks,  and take with them all their professional colleagues ?  C'mon, I see mine, everyday, at work, throughout the year,...  so when on holidays I just want to be with my family.... NOT, I repeat, NOT, leave my kids in the flat alone and instead spend hours together with very same people I see everyday at work.... YUK!... and in spite of being told everyday, for days on end, that one of my kids was crying alone in the flat at night.   Those guys are not all there!!!!

    Surely, the best thing about my holidays must be to be away from work and away from anything that reminds you.... of work.  Yet, those guys went to Portugal for ONLY two weeks, presumably to rest... and chose to live practically together with all the other 7 Tapas, LOL, to the point of ignoring their own kids for hours.  

    I must be abnormal, or 'call me old-fashioned'  but my BIGGEST pleasure when I am on holidays is to be with and pay attention to MY CHILDREN and my wife... I   l-o-v-e   it and the h**l with my work colleagues !!   I don't even go on holidays with my brothers and sisters and their families, let alone colleagues. You can love your work but that's taking it too far  

    So, if Amaral does in fact say that thing in is book and I haven't read it...  then I believe Amaral  is saying it for some reason!!!  ---He may have been fired from the case but you cannot say the guy hasn't got guts !!

  8. I'm not sure if it is the same book I read.  Read my source, it may help.  

  9. Nothing these people do surprises me. That so many support them regardless of all the facts does.  

  10. well its true that witnesses contacted police, both here and in portugual to report this event that is supposed to have happened on a holiday a few years ago with  a group of friends. that bit we know is true.

    however, whether what they reported is true, thats not going to be known by anyone other than the witnesses or the accused. you have to make your own mind ujp about why 2 people who used to be friends of the mccanns, both doctors themselves, a married couple who were so concerned about what they overheard and saw, that they decided not to let their own daughter be alone with david payne and gerry mccann.

    howeve, you might ask why they did not report this behaviour to police when it first occured at the time, just out of concern for the children of the paynes and mccanns, but i dont know the answer to that

  11. I think that there has been so much said and written about the McCanns that it is impossible to decipher fact from fiction.  

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