
What turle has a killing disease harmful to babys?

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i want a turtle but my mom wont let me because i have a new baby cousin almost a month old but she heard about a story that a turtle gave a person a disease and he didnt get sick because his body could fight he passed that diseased to the baby and that disease killed that baby because his body couldnt fight it that turtle is the only one with a killing disease now do you know what the name of that turtle was?please answer as soon as possible.Thank You.




  1. More than likely it was a red eared slider.

    In texas it is illegal for pet stores to sell them if they are smaller than 4 inches in diameter...its because of SALMONELLA....its the same thing that makes you sick when you eat bad chicken or pork.

    All reptiles have the potential to carry salmonella...but if you explain to your parents that if you keep the cage clean and wash your hands before and after you handle the turtle or lizard there shouldnt be any problem.

    The story they told you probably wasnt true....i dont think people still die from salmonella poisoning.

    And its not transferred from person to person like that...they were trying to scare you.

  2. Turtles contain salmonella in their saliva. Babies tend to put turtles in their mouth and so can catch this disease.

  3. painted turtle passes salmonella through it's droppings. sea turtles carry the papiloma virus. those are the only two i know about.

  4. Turtles and other reptiles are thought to carry the salmonella bacteria.  The bacteria usually comes from the reptile living in unclean surroundings such as:  the water not being changed often enough.   Alot of people feed their turtle in their living quarters...this is a big no-no.  Take the turtle out and feed him in a large plastic container from walmart or kmart.  Then pitch out the dirty water when he is done eating and having a bowel movement.  Your water will stay alot cleaner for alot longer.   After handling a reptile, wash and disinfect your hands.  Hope this helps   ....

  5. Teenage mutant ninja turtles!

    that is a very reasonable answer, THEY LIVE IN THE SEWERS! thumbs down to u thumb downers!

  6. This isn't just one specific type of turtle. But it's also something you shouldn't be too concerned about the baby getting. Turtles, tortoises, and any other animal can carry salmonella. This can make any person sick. The reason it makes babies very sick is because they don't have good hygiene, the put the turtles in their mouthes, and they don't have strong immune systems. This is why it's illegal to sell turtles under 4 inches in the US. They're the perfect size to go in a baby's mouth. Since I doubt the baby is living with you it shouldn't be a problem. Especially since the baby should be supervised at all times.

    Anyone who handles a turtle or animal of any kind should wash their hands before and after. You have germs and oils that can harm a turtle, and they have germs that can harm you. As for a specific breed of turtle that has a contagious, baby-killing disease, not true.

    Have you thought about how much work a turtle is though? They can get over a foot long, and live for decades. In fact there's a good chance a pet turtle you get now will outlive you. They need a large tank with treated, filtered water, a land area, special lighting, and a special diet. As babies they eat turtle pellets, fruits, vegetables, and live fish and insects. And turtles aren't social pets. You can't really pick them up or have them out of their tanks. As I said before, the oils on your hands can harm them. And being handled stresses them out, which can make them sick or kill them. A turtle is a pet that requires a lot of time and money, and all you can really do is look at them. If you really want a pet turtle you should do a lot of research on them. Hope I could help!

  7. turtles can carry salmanila.  so if you handle them and dont wash your hands properly you can get sick or give it to a baby and babies cant fight it off like adults can.  But if the proper precautions are taken its fine,  you just have to make sure to use an antibacterial soap.

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