
What turned you off immediately on a first date?

by  |  earlier

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...and you couldn't wait for the date to end and you never called that person again?




  1. Smoking

  2. Talking about us doing things way in the future. "Yah next year we should def do that..." NEXT YEAR?  

  3. bad breath lol

  4. A few years back I found out an attractive chick I dated had a yeast infection, I was totally freaked out.

  5. Went on a date with a woman several years ago. She spent the whole evening talking about herself. Her whole life story and when she was done, proceeded to tell me what was wrong with every other guy she had ever dated. I'd have chewed my own arm off to get away from her that night! LOL

  6. idk ese

    she didnt wanna smoke sum weed witta gee?

  7. weird smelling BO. Wear cologne.

    Sloppy kissing. Better to be too tight than slime her whole face.

    Immature talk. She doesn't care about the detention record you set, how you set fire to something, or how dumb you think other people are. Try to be positive and uplifting.

  8. The guy did nothing but crack sexual jokes...I have a sense of humor, and I can take a few, but not constantly!

  9. He had oily hair, hadn't bothered to shave or have a shower. The fingernails were grey-ish.  The coat had a sprinkling of dandruff...

    I was actually so appaled that I coldn't chat and he left after just 20 minutes of silence.

  10. bad breath and horrible at conversation

    answer mine plz;...

  11. He kept TALKING and TALKING and TALKING about things that I had no interest in... He was talking like he knew everything. I didn't even reply half the time but he kept going. It was terrible.  

  12. Extreme political / anti g*y  views.  I met this  guy over  the internet  several years ago. We met for coffee and I happened to mention during casual conversation that I had a few g*y  male friends. This guy launched in to an anti g*y  tirade complete with biblical quotes! All this before I had the chance to  blow the froth off my cappuccino.  Everybody  is entitled to an opinion, I don't expect guys I date to agree with me about everything but this guy was practically foaming at the mouth. Needless to say I was unavailable when he  asked me out for a second date.

  13. if he talked and talked and talked and talked.  

  14. bad breath

  15. Stupidity

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