
What turtle can live in a preformed pond?

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i have a preformed pond,about 81 inches by 56 inches and about 17 inches deep.i have 6 ducks that swimm in there,and i was wondering if theres a kind of turtle that can live in the pond,and what it would need,does it need a filter,land,fenced in area,taken in at night to be safe from preditors,will it wonderoff,can it stay out in winter.a website or a list of turtles that canm live happily like thatwould be great.or if you have any info on the care of a turtle.




  1. The pond might be OK for small turtles but not for the winter, unless you live in a very warm climate. Predators are a perpetual problem. You would certainly need a fence to keep them out and the turtle in. It would certainly help to have a large filter and either a waterfall or fountain to oxygenate the water. Six ducks foul up the water enough without adding a turtle. You could try musk or painted turtles.

  2. usually red eared sliders can survive but ur pond sounds pretty shallow so make sure it doesnt freeze over the winter or u'll have to bring them in.  they will need a filter because they are very messy it will also need some kind of land but make sure it cant get out of the area of the pond. it has to be able to climb onto it careful because they eat fish but they usualy dont if you keep them well fed.  good luck.

  3. water turtle

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