
What turtle is a good beginner turtle that doesn't grow big and bite hard and is easy to take care of?

by  |  earlier

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please help me




  1. People always jump to cooters and sliders, the fact of the matter is that they don't make good pets unless you can provide them with enough living space.  Most people can't.  People nevers seem to mention Musk turtles.  They only get around 4 inches and are as hardy if not more hardy than sliders and cooters.  

  2. try a red eared slider because they don't grow big and it's easy to find commercial turtle food for them

  3. Box turtles are really easy..

    I`v owned a lot of em..

  4. ‘If you have allot of $$$$ and start out with a 60 gal plus size tank and great filtration system for Aquatic turtles I say do it!

    They are the cutest!

    Here is some info on what to feed , lighting etc etc etc ..and most of all their sicknesses..K?

    Sliders, Cooters , painted ,map and yellow bellied are require the same care and feeding..and they get to be 10 to 12" big and they bite REAL hjard ..real hard.

    I have had two Sliders for 36 yrs now plus a 8 yr old and a 5 yr old..

  5. box turtles are best for people starting out like you :] or if you want to get a fish tank instead, id reccomend guppies, but they breed like crazy!!!

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