
What two colors look good together?

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I'm planning to paint my room, and have a color scheme of two colors that look good together. I've been thinking pink & brown or light blue & brown; but I need more combinations..suggestions??

Thanks. :)




  1. Light Green and Black

    Orange and Brown

    Burgundy and Black/Brown

  2. I always liked dark tan walls and light cream tan trim! I have done it with two houses so far and love it!

  3. use the color wheel to guide you.  red, blue and yellow are the primary colors.  secondary colors are orange (between red and eyllow), green (between blue and yellow) and purple (between red and blue).  colors opposite each other on the wheel are complimentary - they go well together.  

    Brown is a terciary color and I like your idea of combining with pale pink or pale blue.  Make sure the two colors are not the same hue/intensity.  a medium brown with a light pink or blue.  try combinations of paint swatches to decide.

  4. pink and brown

    light blue and brown

    light blue and navy blue

    purple and magenta

    pink and lime greeen

  5. lavender and a forest green

    yellow and pink

    blue and green

    I personally like the lavender and forest green color the best

  6. I saw a really neat color combo with a salmon pink and a chocolate brown, it looked really great.  It was a color block pattern, over laid with polka dots of light pink and cream colors....very retro...and cool!

  7. I really like turquoise and brown together. I also like pink and brown like you said, or pink black and white even. If you like bright colors I would say purple and turquoise.

  8. blue and green always look really good together

    same with light pink and a light blue

    green and yellow look good if you wanna go for a more funky color

    sometimes even making colors lighter or darker helps them look better with other colors

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