
What two continents share the same land mass?

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The america's share the same land mass




  1. Europe and Asia

    (Technically Europe, Asia and Africa are all the same landmass)

  2. Europe and Asia - the Americas won't count, since they are joined by a very thin area of land through Central America. Counts as 2 land masses, not one!

  3. I think you've answered your question.

  4. umm i think im not sure ...its americas?

  5. North and South America are one land mass, as are Europe, Africa and Asia.  The Panama and Suez canals don't count as straits, like the Bering Strait.

  6. europe and asia (depends on the definition of mass)..using your example of n.and s. america, then australia and antartica would be the only two continents that stand alone. africa would be part of europe/asia land mass...i think the answer is europe/asia

  7. Well Europe and Asia, also called Eurasia share the same mass they just basically split it and called the west Europe and East Asia.

  8. Eurasia would probably be a better answer than North and South America.  The Americas are held together by a tiny isthmus called Panama.  Europe and Asia share a solid land mass divided by the Ural Mountains.

  9. only europe and asia share the same land mass !

    africa..............on its own

    australia..........on its own

    americas..north and south are connected to nothing else

    europe and asia are ..........see answer on top !

    eurasia does not exsit max your homework ! (potshot)

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