
What two different [very different] kinds of "animals" ... ??

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disprove - comprehensively disprove - Evolution of the Species??




  1. What two different planets disprove the theory that the planets orbit the sun? Anyone can see the sun and planets go around the earth. If it was the other way around and the earth was zipping along through the cosmos, we'd feel the wind, wouldn't we?

    If you want to argue against evolution, go to

    Society & Culture -> Religion and Spirituality

    They get questions like that every day. As it is, you posted in Genealogy, the study of family trees. Most of us dead end in the 1500's or sooner. We just smile gently at people who trace back to Adam.

    Here is a little something extra for you, what the Cajuns call "lagniappe", like the free cookie the baker gives the kids when Mom buys a big birthday cake:

    Back in 1776, monarchists (Monarchists are people who want to be ruled by a king or queen, not butterfly fanciers.) argued against democracy as a form of government. They said it was absurd to believe that "All men are created equal" because anyone could see men came in different heights, weights and colors. Case closed.

    My point is not about democracy. It is about debate. Before you argue about something, you should understand it. If you don't understand it, you'll look foolish. One night on the "Saturday Night Live" TV show, Gilda Radner argued vehemently against the "Deaf Penalty", instead of the "Death Penalty". She looked absurd and we all laughed until the beer came out our noses, which was what she wanted. You don't want people to laugh at you.

    In a serious debate, you should understand the other side. Note that I didn't say "Believe". Understanding is not the same as believing. If you were to study 20th century European Political history, you would have to understand several forms of government: communism (the USSR), fascism (Germany, Italy), socialism (Lots of countries), socialist democracy, capitalistic democracy and constitutional monarchy. You would not believe in all of them; you COULD not believe in all of them at once. If you tried, your head would explode. You would, however, have to understand their basic concepts.

    If you were to study comparative religion, you would have to understand what Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Taoists and Confucians believe. You would not have to convert to a new religion every week, but you would have to understand the other ones. You would not get very far in your studies if you dismissed all the other ones as "wrong". They believe their path is the right one just as strongly as you believe your path is the right one.

    99% of the biologists alive today believe that species evolve, and that the theory of evolution is the best explanation we have for the diversity of life.  Christian biologists, Jewish biologists, Muslim biologists, Hindu biologists, Buddhist biologists; Australian, Bolivian and Chinese biologists; 99% of them believe it is the best explanation. Yes, it is only a theory. Planetary motion - the theory that the earth went around the sun, not vice versa - was only a theory for a long time. Some people still don't believe it.

    If you are truly curious, ask your minister to give you a short, reasoned explanation of evolution. Tell him you don't want to believe it, of course; you just want to understand it. If he says he can't because it is wrong, he is as ignorant as those monarchists I mentioned above.

  2. This might not be what you are looking for,

    Tardigrade, Human

  3. U and U

  4. I want you to believe whatever you desire. You should have faith in whatever benevolent or vindictive 'God' you want.  Your right to do so is unquestioned.  Your right to impose, inflict, influence, your beliefs on me does not exist.  You are not allowed to call your 'faith' something else in order to insinuate it into schools.  Leave science alone, if you like, don't participate in modern life.  Go back, go back, go back.  And leave me alone to believe that science is a much better predictor of the events of the universe than religion.

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