
What two facts about the universe support the big bang theory?

by Guest56927  |  earlier

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I realize this is a simple question but I can't see between two answers.

The universe is expanding and the background radiation is about 3 degrees above absolute zero.


the formation of planets and the development of life

Im almost sure its the first one, but am not positive.




  1. The first is the correct one.  The formation of planets and the development of life has no relationship to the Big Bang theory (though of course without the Big Bang to get the universe started there would be no planets or life).

  2. You are correct.

  3. Short answer: Visible light from the event, and that light being blueshifted into microwave radiation as it recedes from us.

    Long answer:

  4. we can hear teh comic background radiation which is teh echo of teh big band with special radios. it's really cool.

    everything is running away from us. was it something we said? :-(

  5. It's the first one.

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