
What two societies have been recently colonized? and by whom? and what for?

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What two societies have been recently colonized? and by whom? and what for?




  1. Iraq and Afghanistan

    Apparently, colonialism is not as easy as it used to be. The US has to invent a thousand excuses to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and a thousand more to stay there.

  2. The U.S has colonized Afghanistan and Iraq recently...say what you will about "free elections" but most intelligent observers know the deal...Why? Afghanistan is a country with huge amounts of natural resources and is run by a puppet with strong ties to UNOCAL/CHEVRON...Iraq? They have a huge amount oil resources that have not benefited anyone yet but they attempt to go along with the phony reasoning the U.S govt. gives in why we invaded...unfortunately, U.S ignorance of the Middle East power balance has given Iran a huge break because of this...

  3. Why don't you give us a hint?

  4. Everybody has been colonized by somebody. Whether 10,000 years ago or 5 years ago.

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