
What two things are fundamental to good putting?

by Guest61283  |  earlier

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  1. 2 things?....then I pick actions which I think will square the putter face at impact.


    Set up. You must have the same set up time and time again.


    Pendulum motion with your shoulders. No hands, no arms. Just shoulders only.

    This is the basics. This is the fundamentals. Its about getting the ball where you want it to go when the conditions are flat and perfect.

    Once you have this then all the other points comes into the equation.

    If your putter face is not square at impact then it will not go where you want it to go. So even if you can read the greens, your ball will never travel on that line.

    To be fair, if you can't read the putt then no matter how square you putter face is - you'll never putt well.

  2. Meditation is important.

  3. You MUST Line up properly;  a perfect stroke is wasted if you are lined up wrong.

    Second most important tip would be to not look up until after you have hit the ball;  'peeking' is a very common error for many golfers.

  4. distance and direction

  5. Once you have determined the line of the put:

    1. Stand completely still - no body movement.

    2. Keep your hands straight and firm on the follow through.

    Good luck.

  6. learning to hit it on the correct line and at the right speed

  7. distance and speed

    being able to read a line would be the thrid piece to the putting puzzle!!!!!

  8. Line, distance and speed. Okay that's three, but all three are very fundamental to putting. To be good at all three means fewer putts. If you break each one down and focus on just that one element you can get better at it. Once you understand each element, then put them together.

    Practice with short putts. Get a lot of little successes and build to the longer putts. Entire books have been written on putting. Below is a good one.

  9. concentration and focus putting is all in the mind

  10. Two things that help me are a quiet lower body,and shoulders only pendulum swing. Those two things after I've set up my shot and read my line are key to helping me drop more putts. I hope this helps you too.

  11. I'd have to say (1) learning to read the green properly so you can visualize your line, and (2) make your stroke true to the line you've established, while striking the ball with just the right force to reach the cup.

  12. Learning how to get the perfect distance and speed.

    ALWAYS get the ball to the hole too (on reasonably makable putts) So there is an actually chance of it going in the hole. If you leave it short, its not going to go in.

  13. Reading the greens are important.  If you can see the way a putt breaks or see that there is no break, then that is always helpful.  The other thing is spending more time practicing putting.  Most people go to the range and pound away with the driver and hit a few iron shots and skip the putting green.  I practice my putting in my apartment.  I work more on my putting stroke.  I read the greens fairly well.  If you play at a particular course often, you'll know how putts will break.

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