
What type a style do girls usually find attractive on guys?

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clothing wise? I know women say it's not about the clothes. But to me it's a plus and help get a good impression. Also i know women like different styles on guys. but what's the major style that most women find attractive?




  1. I like a relaxed kind of look. Its more attractive then wearing super tight jeans and tight shirts. I dont like guys who wear goth/punk clothes. A nice pair of jeans and a plain regular t-shirt I think is the best look.


  2. hey we are in high school and most guys our friends crush on shop at affordable stores...american eagle, hollister, and abercrombie and fitch, but arent obsessed with them. or they wear athletic apparel. and wear a hat at all  times unless u have rlly good hair.

  3. i absolutely love mod/classy/conservative style. something like uh......Dior:)

  4. for me it's hipsters/indie guys/rockers with a british touch here and there

  5. Like skater or surfer brands. Pac sun and zumies. Stuff like that. I'm not really one for preppie guys because for me it makes them look to feminine. Just keep it simple and nice. Even just a plain white T-shirt is cute.

  6. im more into guys who dont wear trakkies, [no affence to anyone who does] and wears jeans and t-shirts. i think they are proper classy and look cooler..


  7. It depends what kind of women you're trying to attract.. If you were going for impressing someone like me, it's all about fun, but looking cute at the same time. Plain outfits but bright colors. As in.. an American Apparel type of thing. Usually, though, ALL women are interested in someone well dressed. Don't settle for wal-mart.  

  8. i like the skater type of guys :]

  9. A guy that looks put together and isn't afraid to be fashionable. I love button-down oxfords and khaki-colored cargo shorts with leather flip flops, or a polo and jeans. No skinny jeans though and no jeans that are falling down. Bootcut, or maybe a little looser.  


  11. i like abercrombie and hollister and stuff on guys

  12. i like skater/punk.

  13. im more into unique punky/goth guys :D that are mysterious lol sounds sooper cheesy.....

  14. Oh my goodness im a sucker for a preppy guy,wearing polos (abercombie) but any guy thats put together . It shows hes got a sense of style, hes approachable, nice, and i just love preps. None of that punk, skater junk. Those people are just posers and its not attractive at all. sorry if you are one. but no one once to see pants falling off we want to see the definition ... broad shoulders etc. Haha hopefully this helps!

  15. i either like my guys really preppy, or really goth.

    i mean for preppy, nothing but abercrombie clothes.*even though i despise that store* lol

    and for goth, i mean piercings, tattoos, and guyliner. *yes, i think guy liner is s**y*

  16. well, i like this:

    1) showers

    2)gels hair

    3) jeans that are baggy, like this=

    4) wears shirts that are like, regular =)

    5) sweat shirts, hoodies

    sneakers, and thats pretty much it, simpile

  17. i am going to get two opinions on this question, honey.

    the first:

    skater/edgyish. Such as Vans, Journey's, or Zumies. they stand out and have great style. lol.

    the second:

    Abercrombie, Hollister, but not too preppy. and absolutley no freaking sweaters.

    thanks for the two points, stud muffin.

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