
What type (brand and hardness) of tip do you have on your cue and why?

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What type (brand and hardness) of tip do you have on your cue and why?




  1. I don't know the brand, but I use a very firm tip as it provides the most "English" on the cue ball along with lots of chalk.

  2. I prefer french leather myself. It is more tough and rugged than most others. It has less chance of falling off. It also allows me to put and get more english on the cueball.

  3. I use hard leather tips on all of my cues. LePro tips on my game sticks and Triangle tips on my jump and break cues. I like a hard leather tip because it lasts a long time and doesn't mushroom on me. The LePro tips are hard and the Triangle tips are extra hard.

  4. I play with a Moori medium. I prefer the consistancy of a good layered tip. I also have heard a lot of good things about Sniper tips, but have not used them yet.

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