
What type event do you predict will occur soon, that will allow the government to say, "Checkmate"?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike the war against human freedom here in the USA?




  1. If you think you've got it bad - try moving to the UK.  Our government is increasingly off its head - they are locking people up without charge.  

    Soon we'll be carted off to the Gulags !

  2. Electing Obama as president... definite "checkmate" against our freedoms...

  3. Whatever it takes to scare us into going along with the program.  They've already bombed buildings, so a little nuke might be the ticket.

  4. It's already happened.  They've been ignoring the constitution for decades most people are just to stupid to acknowledge that article 1 section 8 nerfs the federal governments authority but they've grossly exceeded that and the people accept it because they're stupid sheep.

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