
What type is my hampster.Its sandy coulor and has dark black eyes and how can i tell how old it is??

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ahhh i need help i dont know what type it is and i dont know how to put pictures on the internet

its sandy coulor and has dark eyes also i need names for her




  1. Please visit my site for all the info you need about Roborovski hamsters (I think your hamster might be a Roborovski)

    Please visit the 'Appearance' page to see if the description/photos match your hamster's.

    And visit the 'Names' page to see over 2,807 hamster name idea's!

  2. you cant really tell how old it is but it sounds like a syrian being 1 colour

  3. i think its a syrian hamster, as for age ,hard to tell, they live about 3 years, their teeth do get longer and more yellow as they get older. good name is harry.

  4. It could be a robo dwarf hamster, the same kind I have. Most robos are sandy on top and white on bottom with very black eyes. But if your hamster is big, it could be a "teddy bear" hamster aka Syrian hamster. Sorry, I don't know how to tell hamster's age ><. How about Bebe or Hazelnut for names? (:

  5. Hmm, it's a bit difficult to diagnose the type of hamster based on just color of coat and eyes. But if I had to guess based on your description, I'd say a Syrian (golden, perhaps) since the Syrian is a common type of hamster. (I have two Syrian golden banded with black eyes).  

    You may want to double check--you can easily go online and look at pictures and match them to your hamster--or you can call the petstore or owner you got them from and ask. I linked a site that has a list and pictures of some hamsters so that you can find one that looks like yours.

    As for age...sadly that is hard to tell, especially if you haven't had your hamster since it was born or any prior information. You might be able to tell the relative age of your hamster by comparing size, weight and habits of other similar hamsters. I would list a size but it really depends what type of hamster you have first. One thing that's sure, hamsters don't live too long to begin with (typically only 2 to 3 years).

    As for names...I don't think I could help you too much, since names are quite personal and should be of your preference. One thing I notice about hamsters are that they usually have cute, descriptive names, such as "Twinkie" or "Hammie." My hamster's names are "Snickers" and "Buttons." Some people also give human-sounding names to their hamsters, but as I said before, most times for hamsters, I notice that people choose "cute" names like "Popcorn" or "Biscuit." Usually names that describe the personality, appearance or unique quality of your hamster, or simply a word, name, thing or phrase you may really like. The list goes on! I really feel I can get creative when choosing a hamster name, so maybe you can find a name you like!

    I linked two general web pages you can look at regarding "hamster types" (first link) and "pet/hamster names." (second name) I hope this helps. There are many other sources on the web as well, so don't limit yourself! Good luck on the hamster name!

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