
What type of Auto Insurance covers vandalism and damage to a car?

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What kind of Auto insurance covers damage to your vehicle, such as vandalism, theft, collision from another car hitting yours while parked?




  1. I wish my idea might be helpful,though you should make the judgement by yourself.I have got good experience at this good resource.

  2. Here in the U.S. collision covers, well, collisions and comprehensive covers theft, hail, flood, fire, vandalism, etc.

  3. Comprehensive coverage or FTC (Fire, Theft, Comprehensive) covers vandalisms, theft, fires and things of that nature. If your car (parked or otherwise) is struck by another, you would use your Collision coverage. If your car is struck in a hit and run or by a uninsured driver, Uninsured Motorist.

  4. Sprocketts K, Try getting an online insurance quote It's free and quick to do.

  5. Collision coverage provides coverage for an insured's vehicle that is involved in an accident, subject to a deductible. This coverage is designed to provide payments to repair the damaged vehicle, or payment of the cash value of the vehicle if it is not repairable. Collision coverage is optional. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is the term used by rental car companies for collision coverage.

    Comprehensive (a.k.a. - Other Than Collision) coverage provides coverage, subject to a deductible, for an insured's vehicle that is damaged by incidents that are not considered Collisions. For example, fire, theft (or attempted theft), vandalism, weather, or impacts with animals are types of Comprehensive losses.

  6. Collision covers the obvious collision. However uninsured/under insured motorist coverage (which needs to be purchased on top of comp and collision) provides extra coverage for YOU and your car in the case that you are a victim of a hit and run, or someone hits you that has no insurance, or too little insurance

    Comprehensive sometimes called "other then collision" covers all other perils such as vandalism, theft, or if you hit an animal (cow, bird, etc) where another vehicle is not involved.

    This is the case in Florida and you should talk to your insurance agent. a good agent will be happy to take the time and explain the coverages you are purchasing for your state.

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