
What type of Business should i start?

by  |  earlier

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I am 17 years old and i am seriously thinking about

starting my own business somewhere down the road.

I am very creative and i love art, i was thinking about

doing interior designing, or designing clothes.

i know that i have to go to school to learn about it because i dont have the skill to even think about starting it right now. i am also interested in Fashion Marketing and things like that. I'm not really sure what kind of Business i should start.




  1. Hi friend,

    i like ur attitude & i appreciate u. to start ur business u need some investment. for that u can do some net jobs by spending just 30 mins from ur pc a day u can earn upto 50dollars a day by sign up this website. by just  refer a member u can earn. by just connecting the website i given in the source

  2. Dog fighting business.

  3. I always admire those who start their own business at an early age. Even if you are not fully equip with the business you are going to venture right now but the fact that you have the desire and the goal, it's a good start! You said you were thinking about designing so why not try it out. It would be best for you to start a business that you have a passion on like what you said designing.  

  4. hi dr firstly i think you must complete your studies will help you a lot you know..and about the fashions or the interior decorating after studies you can go ahead even am doing interior decorating its days r fun enjoy it then think of doing some works...ok

  5. a line of Santa hats

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