
What type of Cuisine do you like? (can choose more than one)?

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40 - above




  1. Indian (curries rock)

    Chinese (Hunan and Szechwan in particular)

    Japanese (WASABI!)

    Moroccan (honestly, I haven't placed why just yet)

    Mexican (including Tex-Mex, Central Amerian and South American)

    Thai (love the hot spice)

    Vietnamese (love the limes, Cilantro and Annis)

    Basically, the foods that WASN'T considered normal but rather the stuff that was considered 'weird' when I was a kid.  Now, I'll try just about anything once - if I like it, I'll have it again, but I will try it.

    My Mom, thankfully, made some interesting, un-orthodox stuff for dinner.  Because of that experience, I'm happy to say that I don't have a "If it ain't 'merican, sts, poison!" kind of attitude about what I eat.  I just never thought to look at my first oyster as a ball of snot I KNEW I wouldn't like....  rather I tried it first.

    I thank my Mom for that.  What I would have missed out on if I had been conservative with my food....  I'd probably be eating meat and potatoes on the verge of a heart attack knowing nothing of the possibilities.

    33 year old 'chef' that despite being and amateur, gets NOTHING but compliments on what I cook.... no matter how ethnic I might get....  even from my meat and potato friends...

  2. Italian, American, Thai, French, Turkish, Chinese, (Seafood),

    Indian, 40+

  3. I'm not sure which category....  I imagine western is mostly American....  ????  My favorite is mexican!!!  But, American food (steaks, pork, etc) I guess I love, too.  I HATE Asian/Chinese/Indian/etc.  

    Age-(too old!!!)  53

  4. I love Indian & chinese..i love their ingredients, something spicy & hot. age:28

  5. Indian, Italian, Spanish, REAL neighbor is from China and says all the restaurants are not really Chinese. They are Vietnamese. I like most foods; Greek, Turkish, good old American, Tex-Mex. Age group? 40+

  6. indian chinese,western   40-above

  7. Chinese


  8. Age 22

    Lovvvve Chinese, Italian, Japanese,

    Other: Suriname's food and other Creole food..

  9. Thai

  10. definitely filipino cuisine the best

  11. Thai and Vietnamese food!

  12. Age: 20

    I LOVE Indian food!!!!! But Thai food is pretty amazing too.

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