
What type of Energy Bill?

by Guest61223  |  earlier

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An Bill to assist local communities with transportation concerns. More Buses, Light Rail using renewable energy. More areas for bicyclists to ride and lock their bikes. Plans to assist people to move closer to their employment. More assistance to the Elderly for shopping and social activities. There are probably more things we could do to assist our citizens, we might need to ask.




  1. This is a feel good do nothing bill. A good energy bill would  have short term and long term solutions and wouldinclude:

    Annoucing that we are going to drill for oil here in the US. This would immediately cause oil prices to drop.

    Actually drill for oil here in the US.

    Build refineries.

    Build nuclear, coal and hydro electric (this is the cleanest energy souce currently available) power plants

    Now long term goals which would be aimed at getting away from oil.

    Give government grants to come up with alternate fuel sources. This would include inproving battery technology and perfecting hydrogen power.

  2. if you are moving people closer to their place of employment then be ready to ship anyone who is retired out to the middle of nowhere.

    any use of oil only continues to cripple our economy...

    even if we drill it will have no effect on prices of gas.

    just because there is more oil (in twenty years) doesn't stop OPEC from releasing less oil thereby keeping the world oil supply at a constant level.  more drilling does not mean more available oil for consumers...

    and even if companies like chevron do drill in American reserves there is no reason to think they would pass the savings to you.  just because oil is cheaper just means that the gas companies would be free to make more profit...that is the capitalist American way after all...isn't it?

    we need to tap a resource that is:

    1) not foreign (this just lets our hard earned money out of the country and strengthens foreign countries)

    2) not exhaustable (why would we choose a resource that one day will run out?  this means that speculation will be able to determine the price based on demand instead of demand determining supply. (the capitalist way))

    3)not  clean coal either (this is just another exhaustable resource that will eventually be controlled by speculation.

    there are two very real resources that we could use TODAY.  solar and wind power are never going to run out and is free to everyone.  what the h**l are we doing paying other countries money for oil?

    there is one other resource which could kill two birds with one stone...

    personally, I think we should put all inmates on stationary bikes so they can be made to pedal thereby creating electricity for all of us to use.  


    stupid criminals and gangbangers have had it too easy for too long!

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