
What type of GPS system can I buy??

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I am wanting to buy a GPS system for my Dad. He wants to use it in the tractor when he does spraying so he can see where he has been. Are there GPS systems out there that can show you your route so you don't revisit that spot? Also we live in very hilly terrain (mobile phones don't work here) will GPS systems work here.

Thanks for your help




  1. Any GPS will allow you to create a track of where you have been, it is one of the most basic functions that a GPS does.

    You're probably best to get your dad a handheld device, like a hiker or hunter would use. They are more rugged and are better suited for field use.

    What you will need is a basemap of the area that your father will be spraying, a lot of times you can just find it on Google Earth, take a screenshot and then calibrate the map for use in your GPS (the GPS maker will likely provide you with software to calibrate the basemap). Once you have the basemap in your dad can look at his track as he sprays the field to know where he has been or not.

    GPSs are independent of cellular signals. Cellular phones use a grid of radio towers to pass along or accept a radio signal and GPSs receive information of satellite positions to calculate where the GPS device is.

    You can find an article about the different types of GPSs and their best suited uses at

  2. Most GPS systems only tell you the street you are on.  I don't think they have sufficient precision to tell you if you've covered a particular spot on a tractor, but who knows.  

    GPS works by satellite, not through the phone signal, so they should function anywhere.

  3. Not sure try Amazon

    They will work there

    I have heard that TomTom Customer service is non-existant and they don't respond to emails or phone calls.. I think only snail-mail.. or they take months to respond. Plus I have heard that updating the maps is a pain or they don't have new maps.

    I have the Garmin 660 I think it's amazing.. I bought it from amazon I couldn't believe they had it like $400 off and I got it for the same price as the lower low models ..

    GARMIN 660

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