
What type of Grades would I need to become a Airline Pilot?

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When I am older I want to be a pilot and im needing to know what type of grades I need




  1. Sorry, Contrary to what all the 13 -14 year old kids that answer your question will say, I'm going to give you an HONEST answer which you probably won't like. Look around you at what is happening in the airline industry today.

    The price of aviation fuel is skyrocketing. Some airlines are going out of business. To cut costs some are merging with other airlines, or raising fares, reducing on board service, cutting unprofitable routes, laying off employees, putting surplus aircraft in long term storage, etc. The outlook for a future in the airline industry is VERY poor.  Add to that the fact that almost all airline pilots are former military pilots who receive training and experience you can never equal by going to a private school, even if you were rich enough to afford it. The need for airline pilots, in the future, will be extremely limited.

    So sorry to say, the odds are that you won't become a pilot. It's just a supply and demand problem.  Stay in school and get good grades. Continue on to college and get at least a 4 year degree, and that will put you in a position to be  successful in what ever career you finally get into, and if you do become an airline pilot, you will have become one of the very few that make it.

  2. obtaining good grades in school show that you're a responsible person, and that will set the foundation to any career you choose. If you think you'd like to become a Commercial Pilot don't wait till you're finished with school, it's one of the few career choices you can start preparing for now.

    Please contact my Chief Pilot Robert, his contact info is on our web site

    Safe flying

  3. probably good ones....Aim for a high school degree, but a college degree (not required) Will get you further these days.

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