
What type of Guard Dog would you recommend for me?

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A good guard/watch dog

A good family pet

Between 40-60 pounds or lighter

You can always give me other types of dogs even if they don't fit the requirements




  1.     Australian cattledogs, Labs, Poodles and a female Dobe would fit the requirements.

  2. You want a "watchdog", not a "guard dog." There is a difference. A watchdog will alert you to the presence of people near your home, while a guard dog is specifically and specially trained to ward off intruders. These dogs are trained for years by professionals - doing it yourself can create an aggressive animal that will eventually bite someone and will have to be put to sleep.

    I suggest you look into the three schnauzer breeds. If you don't mind brushing once a day and walking once or twice a day, then this breed is perfect. They're wonderful watchdogs, a bird can't get by your house without the dog alerting you to it. Not to mention they're sturdy (even the Mini's) and great with families.

  3. Blue Heeler make great family pets and are good watch dogs and will protect there family.

  4. This dog is a good family pet. My friend had one before she had her first child and the dog is protective and loving. I suggest a pit bull. I know they have a bad rep but in every instance they were trained to fight or whatever. They're wonderful dogs and would make a  good addition to your family as well as protect.  

  5. I would not recommend any guard dog for you.

    First off guard dogs who have been trained to guard property are not treated like family pets as they are not. They are handled by one person and trained to take commands from one person. It would not be safe to let a dog like this around your family as the dog would not listen to anyone else in the family.

    What you are looking for is a family dog. Most all dogs will bark at intruders or strangers. After they reach maturity at 12-16 months most develop a protective streak and know a stranger from a family member. Find a breed that suits your lifestyle.

    Look carefully at how much time you are willing to spend grooming,

    training, and exercising the dog. Pick a breed whose energy levels fit with yours.

    Then speak to people who own the breed or rescues that handle that breed and see how they think the dog will fit into your lifestyle.

    I see many dogs end up in rescue as the person had no clue how much exercise the breed needed or they thought the breed was beautiful but had not clue how hard they are to train.

    Please do some research before jumping into it and make sure you pet comes from a breeder who has health checked her breeding stock or from a rescue or humane society.

  6. I agree to schnoddle previously.

    Schnauzers are very good watch dogs and family dogs.

    My schnauzer tends to bark at people but he starts to learn to stop when he was told. They are also do not attack people though they have decent choppers. Mine is mini but I found standards are also very appealing and they are not yappy as much as minis.

    I am very smitten by Irish terriers and I understand they can be very good watch dogs.

  7. I wouldn't worry too much about the breed or size of dog as far as being a watch dog since almost all dogs are Territorial so will guard it's (your) home!  I'd be more inclined to consider the temperament with regard to it being a family dog; consider whether it will be patient around children; not need too much exercises if you haven't time for long walks; will it be high maintenance with regard to grooming etc.  It depends on your personal circumstances, whether you have young children; elderly relatives, a big garden, lots of time/energy etc.  

  8. German Shepard, his a little heavier but good guard and watch dog, great family dog and best dog to train, easiest.

    second i recommend

    boxer,is lighter, great looking, can be good watch dog, and u dont believe how wonderful he is with kids, like a lamb.they are great, great dogs.full of love

  9. Mastiff... They're wonderful with family and protective...

    But they are very heavy...and big.. =D

  10. i have 3 staffies that are all loyal, obeident and great guard dogs.

    There tough looking dogs with hearts of golds, and are protective of their territory and owners.

    There great with kids too.

    However they do need ALOT of training and exercise as there very energetic dogs. They also need to be socailised alot, just like any other dog.

    There also very destructive when bored lol. so training is important!

    i give my staffies heaps of toys. there an affectionate dog who hate to be alone. so another dog would be good, if not alot of love, toys and activities!

  11. staffies

  12. my mum has owned two german shepards and both were wonderful with her two young boys.  my mum got attacked with a knife in a trainsation by a druken man and the german shepard who was only 6 months at the time attacked the man and saved my mum being stapped badly and killed.  

    but they do need good trainning.  

    ohter dogs what are good


    jack russel they are small but wow they are good guard dogs lol i have them :D

    pit bulls

    in fact most dogs are good guard dogs they want to protect their family.

    please read my peom pon my dog? thanks

  13. It doesn't matter what dog you get, they all deter criminals, however small.  Most people won't want to risk a strange dogs temperament.  I have an eighty pound lab/aussie shep cross, and she's a suck with our baby, won't hurt anyone, but her size stops people from wanting to approach us.

    I would recommend a labrador retriever or golden retriever.  They are popular for a good reason.  They are great with your family, easy to train, gentle, very active (plus or minus depending on how active you are), and they are furry which will get every where.

    Shepherd dogs are great too, but they are also active dogs, and very smart.  They think on their own.  They can be difficult if you aren't experianced with dogs.  

    Start finding a good trainer, it'll make any dog you choose a joy to handle because you'll know what to do.

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