
What type of Vegetarian am I?

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I went to the Vegetarian society ( and this is what came up

Types of Vegetarian

Lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Eats both dairy products and eggs. This is the most common type of vegetarian diet.

Lacto-vegetarian. Eats dairy products but not eggs.

Vegan. Does not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other animal product.

I don't eat any Meat, eggs, or Dairy products. But I do eat Fish, only Fish nothing like Shrimp or Lobster (I have shellfish allergy's). So what type of Vegetarian does that make me?




  1. You aren't one at all.  Vegetarians do not eat fish.

  2. DAH! If you eat fish your are not a vegetarian. Vegetarians don't eat animals and fish are part of the animal kingdom.  

  3. Your Non Vegetarian. Fish, Shrimp , and Lobster are seafood. So it does not make you vegetarian at all.  

  4. all vegetarians r cool

  5. you are not a vegetarian. Vegetarians exclude all meat even chicken and fish. so call yourself a semi-vegetarian or a pescatarian - but it is just a name and it doesn't make you a vegetarian.  

  6. You are a Pescatarian. 'Pesc' is from the latin for fish.

  7. Pescatarian, unless you stop eating all seafood, in which case you would be vegan, otherwise known as a "total vegetarian" or "100% vegetarian"


  9. You're not a vegetarian.

    Vegetarians eat no animals.

    Fish are animals.

  10. honestly this lacto and all that stuff is bull*****sorry but hey how can someone call himself I am a vegetarian and at the end you eat fish or chicken ... so funny..

    I am not a Vegetarian 6 years.. and I do not eat any animals.. in my opinion you just can call yourself a Vegetarian when you do not eat any Animals...  

  11. I got this from a website this might help you with finding what you are:

    Lacto-ovo vegetarian - This may be the most common type of vegetarian and this is usually the one that most people think of when they hear the word vegetarian. Lacto-ovo vegetarians, as the name suggests, eat dairy products and eggs along with fruits, vegetables, greens, legumes, grains, soy products, seitan, nuts, and honey.

    Lacto vegetarian - This vegetarian eats dairy products, but not eggs. There can be many reasons for this such as a food allergy or ethical concerns. Maybe a local source produces fertilized eggs that would have resulted in chicks. Rest assured though, the majority of supermarket eggs are unfertilized. When shopping for dairy products, it is important to read labels. Yogurt can contain gelatin and many cheeses are made with calf rennet, both of which are animal ingredients.

    Ovo vegetarian - This vegetarian eats eggs, but not dairy. For many people, eggs are the last to go on the path to becoming a pure vegetarian or a vegan.

    Pure or strict vegetarian - This type is often confused with veganism. While the diet is almost the same, the reasons for the diet are different. A pure vegetarian does not eat dairy products or eggs. They do eat fruits, vegetables, greens, legumes, grains, seitan, nuts, and soy products. Some eat honey as well. There are many different reasons for choosing this lifestyle: health, environmental, spiritual, and ethical, to name but a few.

    Vegan - From the vegan perspective, it is all about the animals. Vegans do not eat anything from animals, including honey. They also try to minimize the use of animal products in daily life by using cruelty-free toiletries and makeup and not wearing leather, wool, or fur. It is not possible to be 100% vegan. Animal products are everywhere, from your house, to your car, to your computer. The goal, however, isn't to be perfect. It is to lessen animal exploitation and cruelty as much as possible. Compassion for all of earth's creatures is a beautiful thing.

    Low fat vegetarian - I am including this because it is becoming a popular method of treating various lifestyle diseases. The main focus here is a vegetarian or pure vegetarian diet that derives less than 10% of its calories from fat. This is easily achieved by simply eliminating free fats such as butter, margarine and oil, and limiting your intake of fatty foods such as avocado, olives, nuts, etc. Moderate use of fat-free dairy products is allowed depending on whose program you are following. Three well-known advocates of this diet are Dr. Dean Ornish - vegetarian, Dr. Joel Fuhrman - pure vegetarian, and Dr. John McDougall - pure vegetarian.

    Raw vegetarian/vegan - As the name suggests, this is a vegetarian or a vegan who doesn't eat cooked food. Dehydrated foods are often used as a substitute for cooked items, and in the colder months, soups and tea that have been warmed gently are a treat. As long as food is not heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit, it is considered raw. The most common foods in a raw diet are fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts and seeds, and sprouts. Some raw foodists eat soaked and sprouted grains and beans, and some eat raw dairy and eggs.

    Fruitarian - A fruitarian is a raw foodist who only eats fruit, greens, and some nuts and seeds.

  12. You are no type of vegetarian. Vegetarians eat no meat and fish = meat. You are a pescatarian, pescatarians are not vegetarians

  13. You are a pescatarian.

    Which is a semi-vegetarian. You eat fish, which is a living animal (at one point) thus, does not make you a vegetarian. You are like a mixed person, you are half and half.

    Technically you lied,

    "I don't eat any Meat, eggs, or Dairy products. But I do eat Fish"

    You do not eat Beef, Pig and other farm animals.

    Yet, you do eat Fish, along with all the other fruits and vegetables.

    You are a pescatarian.

  14. You're not a vegetarian at all, as vegetarians do not eat the flesh of any animal.  And you do realize fish are animals, don't you?

  15. Personally I don't get vegatarians, but hey to each his own. BUT. Why all the thumbs down. They are right. If you eat meat in ANY form you are NOT a vegetrian. You can label it however you want but by definition its not being a vegetarian.  

  16. fish are still meat so if you eat fish i do not conciser you a vegetarian

  17. Hindu Vegetarian

  18. An Omnivore.

    Fish are animals to.


  19. You aren't one.

  20. That makes you a Non-Vegetarian.  The rest of what the Vegetarian Society's website says (on that very same page) is, "A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, or slaughter by-products."

    The term "pescetarian" describes a person who would be vegetarian except for the fact that they eat sea creatures.

  21. yeah, sorry, most of these are right

    you're not a vegetarian

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