
What type of a Person would have done this ?

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St Andrews Church in Ealing Daubed with Hate Graffiti across its Full length = and also St Peters Parish Church in Ealing attacked .

" You Worship a Jew--- Christ was a fake -- You worship false Idols - Swastikas and much more .(Last week ) What does this tell us about our law and order ?




  1. Well let me see you worship a jew and christ is a fake Mmmm i think you may already have your suspicions as i do.

  2. Just some sad individual thinking they're the savour of all ill-believers. A moron to be more precise.

  3. Does not sound Christian does it?

  4. It may not be a teenager. It was adults who put the pig's head on the front of a Mosque in Exeter. Even though I don't believe in religion I think it's appalling what is happening.

  5. he is a person who hasn't been  cared for.Sad,angry and frustrated,it's probably a teenager with problems at home.I feel really sad for him,hopefully he will get the help he needs.

  6. A real-life TROLL.

  7. In the US, this happens a lot. Why are people threatened by what others believe? But in this day of cameras the size of a ball point pen, they should be easy to find out.

  8. What type of person? It doesn't take much backbone to do those kind of things. The ingredients required are, ignorance, cowardess, and hate. As far as law & order, these people feel that they are above the law. They have no pride in themselves, so why would they respect anyone else?  

  9. An absolute nut case.

  10. Well I would suggest they must believe in a myth to. So a very deluded person.

    Obviously jc was a Jew. Law & order in the UK is a joke.

  11. I think we already know that law & order is breaking down and there is no social cohesion. However, attacks on Churches are not unusual and in the first reported attack on a church in the East End by asian youths they allegedly said the Church should be a mosque. How offensive is that in this Christian country? I imagine the swastikas in the Ealing church graffiti are an attempt to incriminate the BNP or any other ring wing group. I'm not religious but I find this lack of respect for Churches offensive and unacceptable.

  12. nothing surprises me about this messed up country

  13. It's becoming a trend hun, churches all over the Uk have been attacked in this way, some have also been desecrated inside too. Fonts being smashed, crucifixes used to smash windows etc.

    Complete & utter disrespect shown in its lowest form. People blame teenagers for the attacks, but some of these attacks have been carried out at 3-4 a.m & most teenagers, no matter how unruly are usually at home by that time.

    I don't know who is responsible for these attacks on churches, but I for one find it sickening.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  14. probably a bored teenager

  15. only a teenager would do this.  

  16. not being religious in any way i look at your question and think mindless vandalism again just in the same way we see dozens of glass bus shelters smashed up over the weekend every week.It will cost a few hundred quid to remove graffiti from the Church and all will be forgot,unlike several churches in the northwest which are being stripped of their lead causing damage costing tens of thousands to repair.As for the content of the text on the attacked church i see far more insensitivity on car stickers.Welcome to the real world.As for the type per son to have done the deed i would guess they are deeply religious or deeply retarded or just stirring it up for personal reasons such as political progression.Law and order ceased to exist in the uk several years ago,places such as schools and churches are and always have been easy targets for vandals and as the law has enough to do looking after the cameraman whist being filmed arresting motorists and drunks there is no time to police the way they should.  

  17. combat 18 or the national front skinheads

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