
What type of a small dog would be good in a apartment?

by Guest56088  |  earlier

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It needs to be good with kids and other dogs.Not shy.




  1. Basset Hounds.  I think they are good with children and they do not need a lot of exercise or room to run around.

  2. i think a good mix is a yorkie and maltese they are good with kids my grandma recently got one so she would pick anything to roudy and she has 4 grandchildren so she said it had to be good with kids and she saticfied and there so cute!!!

  3. I have a yorkie-poodle mix and he is small and loves kids so go for it and goodluck

  4. Check out your local animal shelter.....all kinds and colors there !  Plenty to choose from.  PLEASE DON'T BUY WHILE SHELTER ANIMALS DIE !!  Good luck to you.

  5. A toy poodle could be a good choice, if trained well they can be good family dogs, but they can be a bit grumpy and noisy. Miniature Pinschers are also good dogs, but are very um.. whats the word? I want to say "impertinent". They don't like to listen, but are very cute and playful. Go to a shelter and look at dogs and interacte with them to choose.

  6. I have a smalll apartment and two months ago adopted a Bichon Poodle. He weighs 12 pouds. He's great. look to your local shelters for one. The other great thing about this "breed" is that they don't shed (in case those with allergies will be around), they are smart, friendly (great around kids - I have a young nephew and they adore each other) and they are exciting.  

  7. I would say any of the toy breeds / companion dog breeds.

  8. Most of your pure breeds would be too fragile.  You are better off getting a mutt that weights in the 15-20lb range.  Check out your locla shelters.  The cost of adoption is minimal compared to purchasing a full breed.  

  9. What age are the kids? Small dogs generally are not very good with children.

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