
What type of acting is the least physical to do? Eg: theater?

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I ask this because I like stage theater but feel that because I have a disability, a metal rod in my back that this will go against me or I won't be able to keep up especially if long hours are required.

Is it possible to do this partime? If so, how to go about doing this?





  1. Take only smaller roles. Simple.

  2. There are many roles specifically requiring people who can at least mimic a disability (see Laura in "Glass Menagerie").  But apart from that, I'd say straight acting.

    Stay far away as you can from musical theatre, because nearly everyone in those shows either has to dance or has to run around a lot.  Being mobile is important for any stage show, but straight theatre would likely be best for you.  Long hours, yes, but that's mostly walking from point-A on stage to point-B on stage, and shouldn't be too strenuous.  If you have daily obligations (e.g. physical therapy, jobs, etc.) that would get in the way of this, I would recommend looking into some regional theatre productions that are not fully professional, or at least not full-time commitments as most major productions are.

    Granted, you may not always get the part either because they want someone else, because they don't think you're 'right' for it, or - yes - because of your disability.  Sometimes you're too short, too tall, too fat, too thin, etc.  It's heartbreaking to be turned down a role because of this, but... well, that's show business.

    Also: look into film acting.  There's a growing trend of hiring actors with disabilities, because it shows more diversity to the characters, as well as adding a sense of realism.  Otherwise, they can mask the disability (if it's visible) with cinematography tricks and such.  VERY long hours, but it's mostly waiting around on set.  Bring a book.

    But if you're good enough, you have the time, and you're generally mobile, then you'll be great.  Try your best, do what you can, and if this is really what you want to do, then don't give up!

    Break a leg!



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