
What type of activities do you think senior citzens will be interested in?

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i got a job at a nursing home doin activties but im not sure what kind of activites i should do with them besides bingo




  1. Play the board game Risk! Global domination muahaha.

    Hopefully it doesn't get too emotional.

  2. They some times do balloon volleyball or different types of inside bowling. If they have a Wii its great to get them involved. Singalongs are fun and different craft projects will allow them to make things to keep in their rooms. Try to do games that keep the mind active like crossswords, jumbles, find the word, trivia etc.  

  3. I for one like the online game of World of Warcraft.... I can tell you first hand that I have met other seniors there as well. Computer games should not be ruled out.

  4. eat puddin

  5. Any kind of board game or word trivia-esque. Even group hang-man or jeopardy-type games are fun, too. Puzzles are good, or arts and crafts, like knitting or making greeting cards.

  6. Contact other facilities and see what their activity calendar is....

    afternoon social... serve various teas, cheese and olive tasting

    exercise class for seniors, some of which can be done in a chair

    if a bus is available, a weekly or monthly outting to a restaurant...

  7. Please survey them, ask them questions about their interests. It might surprise you that some may be interested in gardening (you could plant seeds in the spring; have a herb garden; grow vegetables).  Others may want to listen to classical music or opera.  Others may want to make no-bake cookies or treats (light cooking projects). Then there are card games, board games, Bible study, singing and etc.  You need to ask them what they would like to do.  And go with that as much as possible.  

  8. Games--Cards, Chess, Checkers

    Monthly Birthday Parties/Holiday Celebrations

    If they are active....maybe like gardening, day trips to the local shopping mall, go see different musicals/movies.

    You could start a book/movie club--and have discussion groups. Or just some type of social hour with coffee, or music or something like that

    Good luck! I used to volunteer at a nursing home and I would run the bingo.  The senior citizens would get really into it and we gave out nickels or dimes to the winners. They would be arguing about the rules and stuff haha!

  9. Old folks love to sing, so learn some of the old songs and you'll be a hit.

    Get them interested in talking about their past too, most people don't have anyone to just listen to their story, and you'll find there are some wonderful stories to be told. you could even take along a tape recorder and tape their stories, they'd love that.

    Dancing is fun too, if your charges are not too infirm. also for those who can hear,

    Read them a book, not too long though, some of them may never hear the ending.

    Encourage them to submit their old home movies so everyone can watch them together.

    Instead of the same old 'watch a regular movie" night have a home movie night.

    Some like crafts and are still good at making things, So ask them what they'd like to make, then try to get the supplies for crafts, I'm sure if you went to a craft store and told them what you are doing you could get a donation from them or you could also try the Dollar stores they sometimes have craft supplies, very inexpensive. I have hundreds of ideas but I'm sure if you put your mind to it you can come up with more your self. I hope this helps anyway.

  10. badminton, chess, checkers

  11. senior citizens are just people, so whatever they are capable of::::

    Assuming you have a lounge area:

    1.  put a table there w/large puzzle which all can work on at their leisure when completed frame it

    2.  piano?? in lounge:::let members play

    3:  1 x a week have coffee and donut social in am

    4.   aid ladies in manicures, couple mornings a week love it

    5.   charades

    6.   theme parties once a month probably

    7.   have gospel groups come in

    8.   Singalongs

    9.   ping pong

    10.  if space avail.  grilling

    11.  put a jar of pennies, candies whatever, have a guess how many prize to winner

    12. old greeting cards into something of their own

    13. birthday party once a month for everyone who has birthday that

       month, cake, etc w/balloons and small gift to birthday folks.

    14. theme dinner dance

    15.  watch special oldy movies, dvd's

    16.  introduce yourself night, if someone does not know neighbor get introduction's going

    17.  free gospel group once a month

    18.  BINGO

    19.  announce be good to your neighbor day/week

    20.  short bus trips


  12. 1. An exercise routine for seniors

    would be fun.  It should be low-

    impact, and limited to their abilities.

    2. A contest(s).  The person that

    is the most creative in making

    numbers 1-10 wins.  

    3. Arts and Crafts.

    4. Ask them to come up

    with a recipe that is different.

    The winner gets money, extra

    helpings, or something he/she

    really likes.

    5. Ask them to think of a

    game from childhood.

  13. depends on their abilities..but i'm sorry i don't  like the commercial where they are playing with a beach ball on a blanket, i guess it's good for dexterity, just makes me sad...and miss my basketball

    p.s see if you can get volunteers to go over current magazines with them..i worked in n.h.'s for 15-20 years and it's the room  bound that get forgotten the pictures for stimulation maybe?? I don't know but i use to play bingo sometimes with them,,how about a computer?? Just some thoughts..good luck.

  14. Love my knitting---have not got passed the scarf stage yet as it is easy ---- you do not need a pattern and can use up lots of wool oddments. Different colours are so much fun and there are some lovely soft fuzzy types too.  Warm and cosy in the colder weather. Good to use wool as you need to keep hands and wool soft with lanolin(wool fat ) hand cream. Also good to use larger knitting needles as easier to see and quicker to knit. The equipment , wool and knitting can be kept in a bag so that it is easy keep clean and to locate when needed.

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